Why Teach?

I have made the decision to pursue a career in education for many reasons. The first being the Algebra 2 class that I took my sophomore year of high school. In that class, I had a friend who sat next to me who oftentimes struggled with the material we were learning. Because of this, I adopted the role of further explaining it to her by walking through the problems until she fully understood and was able to master the skill on her own. Helping her brought me joy so it was never a chore. I continued to do this throughout my high school career with different friends and classmates, it was always fun to see how they were able to progress. The second reason is having two little sisters who I have been babysitting since I was about eleven years old. Being the oldest sister, I was bound to be predesignated free childcare in addition to being subject to all the little annoying things younger sisters are bound to do. Because of this I feel like I’ve grown to become very patient with people, including children. Another supporting factor that encouraged me to become a teacher (although it is not a main reason, mostly just a benefit) is that a lot of my family are teachers or work for the school board, specifically in elementary education. My grandmother was an elementary art teacher, I have two aunts who were elementary teachers, and my boyfriend's mom is an elementary literacy specialist who used to teach kindergarten. 

My educational aims are to teach in an elementary school here in Texas, maybe somewhere near Austin because my family lived there for about a year whenever I was little and I always loved it, but if life takes me elsewhere I won’t argue. I’m somewhat conflicted about what grade I would want to teach. I definitely think kindergarten and first grade would be a little bit too young for me so I was thinking between second through fourth. I would love to teach Math, that has always been my favorite subject throughout school and I know a lot of people struggle with math the most so I want to be able to help in whatever way I can. 

A teacher on tiktok that I enjoy is Noelle Cheney (@noellelovessloths) she is super funny :)


  1. I love the banner at the top of your BLOG! So cool. Welcome Alissa. If helping others to meet their goals and to learn and grow brings you joy you will probably LOVE being a teacher.

  2. Hello Alissa, I love how you pointed out that you have taken care of your two younger siblings. I as well am the oldest of my two siblings. I think it’s funny how we adapt to being patient with children due to babysitting them. I would help my younger siblings with homework it was fun seeing them learn. It was also heartwarming to know my siblings could come to me for help. I think that’s another reason why I wanted to be a teacher. I love how helpful you were to your classmates and friends when they didn’t understand certain subjects. I love that you have teachers all around you! It’s very fortunate. I also want to teach in Texas but in San Antonio! That’s where my family lives. What makes you want to teach 2nd-4th grade? I want to teach the grade levels that you don’t want to teach.


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